december 22, 2006

Aftale om islamisering af danske skoleelever

Jeg önsker alle en god jul!
Jeg har netop i dag fået svar fra politiet på den politianmeldelse, jeg indgav på grund af Middleeastfestivalens antologi, ”Broen”.
Jeg var naturlig vis klar over, at jeg ikke ville få noget ud af det, eftersom jeg ikke var ”offer” for diskriminationen, og dermed ikke klageberettiget. Men alligevel…
Det er altid godt at høre myndighedernes udlægning og forsøg på at smutte uden om ubehagelige ting eller forklare, hvorfor de godtager dit og dat. Man kan derigennem undertiden få yderligere oplysninger.
Jeg sender jer her den politianmeldelse, jeg indgav samt svaret fra politiadvokaten. Fortsæt kampen mod CKU`s og Udenrigsministeriets landsforræderiske handlinger (Accept af sammensmeltningen af arabiske lande og Europa (Eurabia) og dermed dødsdommen over Europa). Husk Hansens tale i Rabat pro Europas islamisering!!! Læs mere i Dansk Kulurs ”De binder os på mund og hånd” og ”Udfordringer til vort folk og land”.
Fra Klagekomitéen for Menneskerettigheder, har jeg ikke hørt en lyd.


Politianmeldelse til Politiet i København
1567 København V.

samt klage til Klagekomitéen for Menneskerettigheder, <>

Undertegnede, (navnet fjernet), anmelder hermed Center for Kultur og Udvikling (CKU), repræsenteret ved Centerchef Olaf Gerlach Hansen, ansvarshavende redaktør Michael Irving Jensen og redaktør lektor Claus Valling Pedersen for overtrædelse af loven om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på grund af race etc.

Ifølge lov om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på grund af race m.v., jf. lovbekendtgørelse nr. 626 af 29. september 1987, som ændret ved lov nr. 433 af 31. maj 2000, straffes den, som inden for erhvervsmæssig eller almennyttig virksomhed på grund af en persons race, hudfarve, nationale eller etniske oprindelse, tro eller seksuelle orientering nægter at betjene den pågældende på samme vilkår som andre, med bøde eller fængsel indtil 6 måneder.

I forbindelse med den såkaldte kulturfestival ”Images of The Middleeast” august-september 2006 udgav CKU en antologi under navnet ”Broen”.
I forbindelse hermed kom det for en dag i Kristeligt Dagblad 23.8.06, at jødiske forfattere er blevet udelukket fra at få deres litterære værker med i bogen:
”Mest markant er litterære bidrag fra israelske forfattere helt udelukket fra den antologi med mellemøstlige forfattere, som festivalen netop har sendt på gaden.
Det er blandt andet sket efter pres fra en række af de arabiske lande, som festivalen samarbejder med, erfarer Kristeligt Dagblad.
Festivalledelsen har under planlægningen af programmet forsøgt at balancere mellem de sponsorer, der har ønsket Israels deltagelse på lige fod med andre mellemøstlande, og nogle af de arabiske sponsorer, der kræver det modsatte.
Michael Irving Jensen er flere gange blevet spurgt af den arabiske presse om, hvorfor israelere overhovedet deltager i festivalen, og han understreger, at det er en festival med kunstnere fra en geografisk region og ikke en festival, der er tilrettelagt efter politisk orientering”.
Sagen har været påtalt af flere, bl.a. fhv. overrabiner Bent Melchior og ambassaderåd på Israels ambassade, Ophir Karir, mens formanden for det danske PEN nøjes med at udtrykke, at det er ”dødhamrende trist”.
Lektor Claus Vallid Pedersen ”medgiver, at beslutningen er kritisabel. ”Jeg havde helst set, at også Israel var med, men da det var betingelserne for finansieringen sagde jeg ja til at være med. Det var en kold og kynisk vurdering. Det er sjældent, at man kan få litteratur fra den del af verden udgivet”, siger Claus V. Pedersen.
Det er uhørt at den danske stat går en fremmed stats ærinde og tilsidesætter dansk lovgivning, danske værdier og internationalt vedtagne menneskerettigheder. Staten burde være den første til at overholde de love, man pålægger borgerne.
Jeg forventer, at de tager sagen op.
Med venlig hilsen
……….underskrevet….(navnet fjernet).

- og svar

Fra Københavns Politi
Advokatur O
Puggårdsgade 2, 1573 København V.

Journalnummer 0101-83990-03683-06
Dato 19. December 2006-12-22
Sagsbehandler LLM/KK-N

(Navnet fjernet)

Jeg har i dag i medfør af retsplejelovens § 749, stk. 2, besluttet at indstille efterforskningen i den sag, hvor De den 29. september 2006 har indgivet en anmeldelse mod Center for Kultur og Udvikling (CKU), Nytorv 17, København, for overtrædelse af lov om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på grund af race mv. i forbindelse med udgivelsen af en antologi.

Af Deres anmeldelse fremgår, at De mener, at jødiske forfattere er blevet udelukket fra at bidrage til antologien i strid med loven.

Begrundelsen for afgørelsen er, at der ikke er rimelig formodning om, at et strafbart forhold, som forfølges af det offentlige, er begået.

Eventuelt erstatningskrav må herefter rejses ved civilt søgsmål. Nærmere oplysning kan eventuelt fås ved henvendelse til det stedlige dommerkontor.

Jeg kan oplyse, at der af politiet er foretaget en afhøring af den ansvarshavende redaktør (1) for CKU.
Det fremgår blandt andet af denne forklaring, at der blev afholdt kulturfestival ”Images of The Middleeast i august-september måned 2006. Festivalen omfattede 4-500 kunstnere.

Der var tale om teater, fim, bøger m.v., herunder udgivelse af den antologi, der er nævnt i anmeldelsen. Jødiske kunstnere blev ifølge afhørte ikke diskrimineret i kulturfestivalen, der omfattede hele Mellemøsten.

Med hensyn til antologien var den kun en meget lille del af den samlede festival.

Det var korrekt, at jødiske forfattere ikke medvirkede til antologien, men det gjorde blandt andet Saudi Arabiske forfattere heller ikke, selv om Saudi Arabien var en stor sponsor til dette værk.

Antologiens udgivelse skete i øvrigt i samarbejde med en organisation ISESCO (2), der omfatter forskellige arabiske lande og altså ikke Israel.

Når samarbejdet var etableret med ISESCO, skulle de lande, som denne organsation omfattede, medvirke, og lande uden for denne organisation, var derfor ikke repræsenteret. Der var således alene tale om den naturlige udvælgelse af interesserede skribenter inden for ISESCO-samarbejdet.

Bestemmelsen i § 1 i lov om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på grund af race mv. omfatter i stk. 1 enhver betjening af ydelse, der i erhvervsmæssigt eller almennyttigt øjemed stilles til rådighed for almenheden.

Bestemmelsen i stk. 2 omfatter på tilsvarende måde nægtelse af adgang til offentlig tilgængelige områder og indretninger samt arrangementer af enhver art, hvortil der er offentlig adgang.

På denne baggrund finder jeg ikke, at der i forbindelse med udgivelsen af antologien i forbindelse med den nævnte kulturfestival har været tale om diskrimination.

Formålet med udgivelse af antologien som led i kulturfestivalen har efter det oplyste været at tilvejebringe et kulturelt produkt, der indeholder et billede af den islamiske verden, og udvælgelsen af bidrag er foretaget ud fra saglige hensyn (3), der ikke har med forskelsbehandling at gøre.

Hertil kommer, at jeg umiddelbart ikke finder, at forhold af den omhandlende art falder ind under det gerningsindhold, som er beskrevet i love n, idet blandt andet muligheden for at bliv eudvalgt til bidragsyder til et kulturelt produkt ikke kan være åbent for alle.

En sådan udvælgelse beror på mange hensyn, såsom udgivelsesformål m.v., og der må derfor altid være adgang til fravalg.

Om muligheden for at klage over afgørelsen for at få den ændret henvises til klagevejledningen.

Der foreligger ikke oplysning om forhold, der viser, at De er klageberettiget.

Hvis De mener at være klageberettiget, kan en eventuel klage sendes til herværende politi eller til statsadvokaten, hvis adresse er: Jens Kofodsgade 1m 3., 1268 København K.

Fristen for indsendelse af klage er 4 uger efter, at De har fået meddelelse om afgørelsen. De bedes nærmere begrunde, hvorfor De mener Dem klageberettiget.

Underskrevet L. le Maire, politiadvokat.

1) Det er uklart, om politiadvokaten mener lektor Claus Valling Pedersen, som står som redaktør af antologien ”Broen” eller Michael Irving Jensen, der står som ansv. redaktør for CKU.
2) ISESCO = Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
3) Antologien ”Broen” skal læses i danske skoler for at islamisere børn og unge og derved virkeliggøre EU´s aftaler og løfter til de arabiske lande og overføre magten til islam. Der er naturligvis ikke taget hensyn til, om man krænker danskere og danske jøder.

ISESCO aftale underskrevet

27. maj 2005
CKU har indgået en samarbejdsaftale med the Islamic Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).
Aftalen indeholder en række konkrete programpunkter. Herunder fælles planlægning og gennemførelse af et kulturudvekslingsprogram, konferencer og workshops, der alle har til formål at understøtte den interkulturelle dialog mellem Danmark og den Islamiske verden.Aftalen indeholder også tilsagn om økonomisk støtte til oversættelse og udgivelse af en novellesamling af Mellemøstlige forfattere, som en del af litteraturprogrammet under Images of the Middle East.Endelig vil ISESCO opfordre samtlige sine medlemslande til at støtte Images of the Middle East.
Foto: Charlotte Haslund-Christensen
ISESCO var ved underskrivelsen af aftalen repræsenteret af Vicedirektør Dr. Hadi Azizzadeh og CKU af Centerleder Olaf Gerlach Hansen.

Abonnér på CKU Nyt!

Center for Kultur og Udvikling
Nytorv 17DK-1450 København Ktlf. 33 17 97 00fax. 33 17 97 01mailto:info@dccd.dkÅbnings- og telefontid Mandag kl. 10-16 Tirsdag-fredag kl. 9-16 Hvem skal du kontakte? Sådan finder du CKU
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CKU styrker Danmarks kultursamarbejde med udviklingslandene
Charter of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - ISESCO -
Charter of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), adopted by the Founding Conference (Fez, 1402H/1982) and amended by the General Conference at its Special Session (Rabat, 1407H/1986), Fourth Session (Rabat, 1412 H/1991), Fifth Session (Damascus, 1415H/1994), and Sixth Session (Riyadh (1418H/1997)
The Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference worked actively in their successive Conference meetings to give substance to the idea of setting up an organization specializing in education, science and culture. They submitted the proposal relating to the establishment of this organization to the Third Islamic Summit Conference, held in Taef/Makkah in 1400H/1981, which adopted it in response to the aspirations of the Muslim Ummah to set up an efficient instrument aimed at asserting solidarity, cooperation and complementarity among its peoples within the framework of the tolerant Islamic principles and lofty values.
The Governments of the States party to this Charter,
- Believing in Islam as a tolerant faith, a constructive culture, a humane civilization and a way of life;
- Stressing that Islam represents a spiritual, moral, cultural and civilizational force which made, and is still making, constructive contributions of paramount importance towards the enrichment of human civilization;
- Considering the lofty status granted by Islam to knowledge and the pursuit of learning;
- Being committed to the promotion of education, science and culture with a view to achieving mutual understanding, consolidating brotherhood and friendliness and spreading peace among the peoples of the world;
- Responding to the expectations and hopes of the Muslim Ummah in achieving cooperation, solidarity, progress and prosperity within the framework of the tolerant Islamic principles;
- Preparing themselves for the coming centuries with their scientific, cultural and technological challenges while remaining faithful to the glorious heritage of the Ummah’s past;
- Being aware of the close bonds which unite the peoples of the Muslim Ummah through the unity of faith and the shared spiritual, moral and cultural values;
- Seeking to preserve the cultural unity and the linguistic and civilizational characteristics of the peoples of the Muslim Ummah;
- Seeking to disseminate constructive educational, scientific, technical and cultural values in order to tackle the challenges and problems of our time;
- Desirous to consolidate fruitful inter-cultural dialogue with a view to achieving civilizational coexistence which guarantees the respect of the cultural identity of all peoples;
- Acknowledging the principles of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance to reinforce cooperation among them and thereby promote education, science, technology, culture and communication through all appropriate means;
AGREE to lay down this Charter for the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).
General Provisions
Article 1 : Name and definition
a) Name : The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It is hereinafter referred to as the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
b) Definition : The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) is an international body working within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, specializing in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.
Article 2 : Headquarters
The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall have its headquarters in Rabat, capital city of the Kingdom of Morocco. The Organization may, under a General Conference resolution and upon a proposal from the Executive Council of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), establish in any other country, centres, offices or institutions which are subsidiary to it or are under its supervision.
Article 3 : Languages
The working languages of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall be Arabic, English and French. The three languages shall be equally valid for the interpretation of this Charter. In case of contention, the interpretation supported by two of the three languages, one of which being Arabic, shall prevail. In case this condition is not fulfilled, the original text shall prevail.
Article 4 : Objectives
The objectives of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) include the following:
a) To strengthen and promote cooperation among Member States and consolidate it in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.
b) To develop applied sciences and use advanced technology within the framework of the lofty and perennial Islamic values and ideals.
c) To consolidate understanding among Muslim peoples and contribute to the achievement of world peace and security through various means, particularly through education, science, culture and communication.
d) To consolidate complementarity and to seek to achieve coordination among the specialized institutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in the fields of education, science, culture and communication and among the Member States of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) in order to consolidate Islamic solidarity.
e) To make Islamic culture the basis of educational curricula at all levels and stages.
f) To consolidate Islamic culture, protect the independence of Islamic thought against cultural invasion and distortion factors and safeguard the features and distinct characteristics of the Islamic civilization.
g) To safeguard the Islamic identity of Muslims in non-Islamic countries.
Article 5 : Means
To achieve the objectives set out for it, the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall use the following means :
a) To work for the worldwide dissemination of Islamic culture and the language of the Holy Qur’an among non-speakers of Arabic by cooperating with ALECSO and the other concerned Islamic organizations and bodies in drawing up plans and extending support to the appropriate projects.
b) To support the organizations concerned with educational, scientific, cultural and communication affairs in order to further the objectives of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
c) To support both public and private universities, colleges and institutes specializing in Qur’anic studies, the Arabic language and the Islamic culture, and improve their curricula, textbooks and teaching methods in order to achieve cultural complementarity.
d) To consolidate specialized centres and institutions so as to support the scientific and educational activities of individuals, organizations, benevolent societies or Islamic centres concerned with the dissemination of the Islamic culture and the teaching of the Holy Qur’an and the Arabic language; to encourage and support the efforts of Member States in developing educational, technical and practical training programmes and to encourage Muslim researchers and inventors.
e) To encourage universities in Islamic and non-Islamic countries by helping them create chairs, institutes and departments of Islamic studies and culture and to establish efficient cooperation relations among them.
f) To encourage the research work, studies and training needed for the development and upgrading of education in Islamic countries, and to confer an Islamic character on all aspects of art, culture and civilization.
g) To organize conferences, symposia and seminars and to encourage the establishment of scientific and educational institutes and institutions in cooperation with governments, the OIC and the bodies and organizations operating in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.
Membership and Cooperation with States
Article 6 : Active members
Every full Member State or observer member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference shall become a member of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) upon its approval of the Charter. A State which is not a full member or an observer member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference cannot become a member of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
Article 7 : Observer members
Each Member State of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which is not member of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), shall immediately enjoy the status of observer member of ISESCO upon notifying the Islamic Organization thereof.
Each State which is not member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, whether it enjoys an observer status therein or not, may become an observer member of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
Organizations, bodies and federations may enjoy the status of observer member.
In the latter two cases, an application to this effect shall be submitted to the Director General. The application, together with the opinion of the Executive Council, shall be submitted to the General Conference.
The General Conference shall lay down the observer status regulations and conditions thereof.
Only the Member States of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall have the right to vote at the General Conference.
Article 8 : Immunities
The Islamic Organization (ISESCO), its officials, personnel, premises, offices, documents and mail shall enjoy the protection, immunities and privileges enjoyed by the Organization of the Islamic Conference as well as those stipulated by the Headquarters Agreement signed between the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco.
CHAPTER THREE : Organs of the Organization
Article 9 :
The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) is made up of the following :
a) The General Conference.
b) The Executive Council.
c) The General Directorate.
The General Conference
Article 10 :
1. The General Conference shall be composed of the representatives of the Member States of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), who shall be appointed by the Governments of Member States.
In selecting representatives, it shall be observed that they be specialized in education, science, culture and communication.
2. Composition of the Conference Bureau :
In each one of its sessions, the General Conference shall elect its President, three Vice-Presidents, one Rapporteur and the Chairmen of the Conference Committees. The Conference Bureau shall also include the Chairman of the Executive Council.
3. Resolutions :
Each State shall be entitled to one vote only. Resolutions shall be adopted by a simple majority of attending and voting members unless otherwise stipulated in Article 20 of the Charter.
4. Meetings of the General Conference :
The General Conference shall meet in a regular session once every three years. It may meet in a special session in accordance with :
- resolution of the General Conference;
- request by the Executive Council of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO);
- request by one-third of the Member States; or
- request by the Director General of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), endorsed by the approval of at least one-third of Member States.
5. Attendance of the Conference :
The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, or his representative, shall have the right to attend the General Conference. The institutions emanating from the Organization of the Islamic Conference shall also have the right to attend the meetings of the General Conference, in accordance with the Observer Status Regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
Article 11 : Functions of the Conference
The General Conference shall be empowered to :
1- Define the general policy of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO);
2- Adopt the Organization’s action plans, programmes, budget estimates and the projects of their implementation;
3- Discuss the reports and proposals put forward by Member States as well as the recommendations issued by the Executive Council and take appropriate action thereon;
4- Adopt the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference;
5- Amend and adopt the Rules of Procedure of the Conference as well as the Financial Regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and its Personnel Regulations. The General Conference shall take into account the application of the texts of the regulations in force at the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
6- Consider all issues which do not fall within the competence of any other organ of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO);
7- Determine the relations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) with the Islamic, Arab and international organizations as well as the specialized governmental and non-governmental agencies, in accordance with the provisions of the bilateral agreements concluded to this effect;
8- Discuss and adopt the draft budget and programmes as well as the closing account of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO);
9- Set up ad-hoc committees to carry out specific studies;
10- Elect the Director General of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) for a three-year renewable term. The Rules of Procedure of the General Conference shall determine nomination conditions and selection procedures;
11- Endorse the nomination of the members of the Executive Council of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), who, in addition to being versed in Islamic affairs, science, education, arts, literature and communication, must have the necessary experience and capability for shouldering the control and implementation tasks lying with the Council.
The Executive Council
Article 12 :
A- Composition of the Council :
1- The Executive Council shall be made up of one representative for each Member State. The President of the General Conference shall have the right to attend, ex-officio, the meetings of the Executive Council on an advisory basis. The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, or his representative, shall also have the right to attend the meetings of the Executive Council. The Director General of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), or his representative, shall attend the meetings of the Council. The Director General shall also invite his assistants and representatives of the external bodies of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) to attend these meetings in order to provide explanations in connection with their fields of competence.
2- In nominating their representatives to the Executive Council, the Member States shall ensure that they are Muslim personalities who are competent in the fields of science, education, arts, literature or communication, and that they have both the necessary experience and capability to perform the control and implementation tasks lying with the Council. Each State shall have the right to change its representative at any time.
B- Functions of the Council :
1- Lay down the internal administrative regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) except for those falling within the competence of the General Conference.
2- Appoint, upon the proposal of the Director General, the Deputy Director General for a three-year term, renewable once. The Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council shall specify the nomination conditions and selection procedures.
3- Prepare the draft agendas of the General Conference sessions upon a proposal by the Director General, consider the action of the Organization and the budget estimates and submit the relevant recommendations to the General Conference.
4- Take, in accordance with the resolutions of the General Conference, all the necessary measures to ensure that the Director General will efficiently implement the programmes of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
The General Directorate
Article 13 :
The General Directorate shall be headed by a Director General, elected by the General Conference for a three-year renewable term.
The Rules of Procedure of the General Conference shall determine nomination conditions and selection procedures for this position.
The Director General shall be the head of the administrative setup of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and shall be accountable to the Executive Council and the General Conference. He shall have direct authority over the entire staff of the General Directorate.
In case of vacancy of the office of Director General as a result of resignation, disablement or any other reason, the normal running of the General Directorate and follow-up to the implementation of programmes shall be entrusted to the Deputy Director General. The General Conference shall then convene within one year at the latest to elect a new Director General.
National Commissions and Bodies operating within the framework of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO)
Article 14 :
1- Member States shall set up National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture in charge of consolidating cooperation relations between the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and Member States’ ministries, institutions and individuals.
2- Institutions operating in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, whether they bear the name of institution, foundation, centre or otherwise, may become affiliated with the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) by virtue of a resolution of the General Conference of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) or the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, endorsed with the approval of the constitutive councils and general assemblies of these institutions. The matter shall be submitted to the General Conference of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) to determine the nature of the relationship of the joining institution with the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and its various bodies.
3- The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) may dispatch a representative to attend the meetings of the general assemblies of these institutions in order to ensure coordination and avoid clashes between their activities and the policy and projects of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
4- Member States shall appoint permanent delegates at the Organization according to each State’s means.
Non-governmental institutions
Article 15 :
The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall encourage non-governmental institutions and bodies of a popular character to work in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, and shall support their activities.
The Budget
Article 16 :
The budget shall be prepared for three years and shall become effective each year as of January 1st up to the end of December of the same year. It shall be executed after its adoption by the General Conference, in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
The Director General shall prepare an annual report on the budget and the closing account, which he shall submit to the Executive Council at its second session after the end of the financial year. The report on the financial year shall include his proposals on the implementation of the budget as well as his observations on the closing account.
Article 17 :
The resources of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall include :
1- Contributions of Member States, which shall be determined according to the percentage of each country’s contribution to the budget of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, until the General Conference decides to change them.
2- Resources secured from cooperation agreements concluded between the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and other parties.
3- Subsidies and donations provided by Member States, non-Member States, institutions, individuals or any other resources. In this case, the Executive Council shall have the right to accept donations made for specific purposes so long as they are not incompatible with the objectives and regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and provided that they do not have any adverse impact on the performance of its functions. The Council’s decision in that respect should be submitted to the General Conference at its following meeting, supported by all the relevant considerations, for approval or rejection.
Article 18 :
The expenditures of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall be incurred for such purposes as the following :
1- Commitments resulting from previous contracts, resolutions or programmes of a binding nature for the Organization.
2- Subsidies and assistance to institutions and organizations under its supervision.
3- Commitments resulting from projects undertaken jointly with governmental or non-governmental partners.
4- Obligations towards permanent and commissioned staff.
The accounts
Article 19 :
The Director General shall, under the supervision of the Executive Council, prepare the closing account and submit it to the General Conference in its regular session. The Council shall apoint a Financial Control Committee made up of representatives from five Member States, for a three-year period and on a rotational basis, to audit the accounts of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
The Financial Control Committee shall have the right to examine all the relevant books and records and to request the Executive Council, the Director General or the officials of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) to provide any information it deems necessary for the performance of its duties. Accounts shall be audited by the Financial Control Committee on an annual basis so as to verify the accuracy of the budget and the accounts.
The Financial Control Committee shall submit its report to the Director General who shall refer it to the Executive Council with his observations thereon. The Executive Council shall submit the report to the General Conference at its following session. The General Conference shall have the right to seek explanations from the Financial Control Committee.
Final Provisions
Article 20 : Amendments
1- The amendments proposed to this Charter shall become effective as soon as they are approved by a two-thirds majority of the General Conference. However, amendments resulting in basic changes in the objectives of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) or in new obligations for Member States, must be further approved by two-thirds of the Member States before they may become effective. The Director General shall communicate the text of draft amendments to Member States at least six months before the text is to be submitted to the General Conference.
2- The General Conference shall have the right to adopt, through a two-thirds majority vote, the necessary regulations for the enforcement of the provisions of this Article.
Article 21 :
This Charter shall be kept in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco. An original copy of this Charter shall be deposited at the General Directorate of the Islamic Organization, wherein it shall remain open for signature. New memberships shall become effective as soon as they occur in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of this Charter.
Article 22 : Arbitration
Any contention or dispute on the interpretation of this Charter shall be referred to an Islamic arbitration body to be set up by the General Conference.