januar 23, 2008

Hill, heil, hill Hillary!

Hvordan kan man stole på ledere
Der er i lommen på araberne?

Denne tekst er taget fra Hodjas Blog 16 december 2007

Bill Clinton’s presidential library raised more than 10 percent of the cost of its $165 million facility from foreign sources, with the most generous overseas donation coming from Saudi Arabia, according to interviews yesterday.
Mere hos Winds of Jihad
Der er mere om Clintons og andres pengesager her. Og Dhimmi Carter holder sig heller ikke tilbage.
Den tidligere Saudiske ambassadør i Washington Prins Bandar bin Sultan blev for nogle år siden citeret i Washington Post “Hvis rygtet går, at Saudierne tager sig af sine venner, når de forlader embedet, ville du blive forbavset over, hvor meget bedre venner du har, når de netop indtræder i embedet.”

Willie Clitman’s Sowdi-Funded Mausoleum

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin
The story is on page A3 of the Washington Post today and it should come as no surprise: Saudis have been as generous with the Clinton family as they have with the Bushes:
*Bill Clinton’s presidential library raised more than 10 percent of the cost of its $165 million facility from foreign sources, with the most generous overseas donation coming from Saudi Arabia, according to interviews yesterday.
*The royal family of Saudi Arabia gave the Clinton facility in Little Rock about $10 million, roughly the same amount it gave toward the presidential library of George H.W. Bush, according to people directly familiar with the contributions.

* Ten percent of the cost of the $165 million Bill Clinton presidential library is said to have come from foreign individuals and governments, sources said
*The presidential campaign of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has for months faced questions about the source of the money for her husband’s presidential library. During a September debate, moderator Tim Russert asked the senator whether her husband would release a donor list. Clinton said she was sure her husband would “be happy to consider that,” though the former president later declined to provide a list of donors.
*…A handful of major donors’ names to the Clinton library were disclosed in 2004 when a New York Sun reporter accessed a public computer terminal at the library that provided a list of donors. Soon after the article appeared, the list of donors was removed.
*The amount of the contribution from Saudi Arabia and several other countries, as well as the percentage of the total given by foreigners, had not been revealed.The Post confirmed numerous seven-figure donors to the library through interviews and tax records of foundations. Several foreign governments gave at least $1 million, including the Middle Eastern nations of Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the governments of Taiwan and Brunei.
*In addition, a handful of Middle Eastern business executives and officials also gave at least $1 million each, according to the interviews. They include Saudi businessmen Abdullah al-Dabbagh, Nasser al-Rashid and Walid Juffali, as well as Issam Fares, a U.S. citizen who previously served as deputy prime minister of Lebanon.
* What does that tell you?


- og fra 29 september 2006
Bill Clinton lander i Aalborg Lufthavn

— hodja @ 7:09 pm
Inden man jubler for meget over Clinton og hans besøg, skal man lige huske, hvem der har ham og andre afdankede amerikanske politikere og diplomater på lønningslisten.
I august 2002 var en delegation fra USA’s kongres i Saudi Arabien. Under besøget spurgte det republikanske kongresmedlem Mike Rogers den amerikanske ambassadør i Saudi Robert Jordan, om han ville være den første ambassadør, som efter at have udstået sin ambassadørtjeneste IKKE ville lade sig ansætte af Saudierne. Dette ville ambassadøren ikke love.
I 2003 lod Jordan sig ansætte af den Saudiske kongefamilie og blev herved en nyt medlem af den lange liste af forhenværende ambassadører og embedsmænd, som arbejder direkte og indirekte for Saudi Arabien. Rogers har senere foreslået lovgivning mod, at embedsmænd repræsenterer fremmede regeringer i 4 år efter afgangen.
Det ville reelt være sensationelt, hvis højtstående amerikanske embedsmænd i Mellemøsten IKKe lader sig forgylde af Saudierne og andre despoter.
Washington formelig vrimler med sådanne personer. I særdeleshed i tænke-tanke der har med Mellemøsten at gøre - som for eksempel The Middle East Institute, som er finansieret af Saudierne.
Forhenværende ambassadør i Saudi Arabien leder instituttet - Wyche Fowler. Edward Walker, præsident for instituttet, var ambassadør i Israel, Ægypten og de forende Arabiske Emirater. Forhenværende ambassadør i de Forende Arabiske Emirater og vice assisterende sekretær for Nær Østen David Mack er instituttets vice præsident. Også ansat ved instituttet er Richard Parker, forhenværende ambassadør i Algeriet, Libanon og Marocco og Michael Sterner, forhenværende ambassadør i de forende Arabiske Emirater.
Chas. Freeman Jr., en anden tidligere ambassadør i kongeriget, er præsident for det Saudi-støttede Middle East Policy Council. En anden ambassadør, Walter Cutler, leder det Saudi-støttede Meridian International Center.
Den tidligere Saudiske ambassadør i Washington Prins Bandar bin Sultan blev for nogle år siden citeret i Washington Post “Hvis rygtet går, at Saudierne tager sig af sine venner, når de forladet embedet, ville du blive forbavset over, hvor meget bedre venner du har, når de netop indtræder i embedet.”
Fra Dette gælder også for Bill Clinton. Daily Dish skriver: “Former President Clinton, however, is praising Dubai as an enlightened Arab nation and “a critical ally in the war on terror.” Does Bill have a less than altruistic reason to be pro-Dubai? Yesterday I asked his office if he helped recruit Dubai into a potentially lucrative partnership with Democratic fund-raiser Ron Burkle’s private investment firm, Yucaipa.
The former President is a frequent visitor to Dubai, possibly on Burkle’s 757 jet, is an occasional high-dollar lecturer there ($300,000 for a single speech), and serves on Yucaipa’s board of directors.” How much has Madeleine Albright of “The Albright Group” received for her lobbying on behalf of the Arabs of Dubai?
How much money have all kinds of people received, in payment for their usefulness in ensuring the continuation of the global Jihad?
These are traitors. They deserve to be named and exposed. They include a great many people in official Washington. So what? They deserve to be named and exposed — with Democrats in Congress not trying to protect Democrats, and Republicans not trying to protect Republicans.
Since OPEC oil wealth will continue to gush, we need to know the ways in which it is used to penetrate and influence our government, our media, our universities. It is not merely what has happened in the past.
That army of apologists for and promoters of Saudi Arabia prevented, for more than 30 years, the putting into place of an energy policy that, instead of relying idiotically on our “staunch ally” Saudi Arabia for its supposed “moderation” in oil pricing, would have sensibly been based on a steady rise in gasoline taxes, and on other uses of oil, and on allocation of all such taxes to subsidies for mass transit, the building of newer, and safer, nuclear power plants, and the widespread introduction of solar and wind energy.”
Og det var så USA.
Hvilke Europæiske politikere og embedsmænd er på olielandenes lønningslister? EU-politikere? Danske? Selvfølgelig spiller araberne på flere heste så europæerne er naturligvis med. Hvad er prisen? Noget af prisen er klart EAD, anti-zionisme og dhimmitude. Og medierne plejer jo ellers at sige, at USA’s politikere er i lommerne på jøderne.
Måske er det medierne der er i lommerne på araberne?Angående EAD (Euro Arab Dialogue): “The arab states contributed vast sums to universities, centers for islamic studies, international communication agencies, and private and governmental organizations in order to win over world opinion”
Kilde: Bat Ye’or; Eurabia, The Euro-Arab Axis. Side 154.
Jeg kommer til at tænke på Lenin, der sagde: “En kapitalist vil med glæde sælge dig det reb, du vil hænge ham i.”
Og: Jeg tænker på,hvad en ondsindet vittighedstegner kunne få ud af det: “I did not have sex with that Sheikh.”